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추가 문의 사항은 카톡 아이디 robynchung으로 문의 주세요.
- Remove the hassle with WaterPORT’s self-pressurizing 3.8-gallon day tank, filled fast and efficiently with a garden hose. Add pressure to the system at any time via the built-in pump cap.
- Convenient filling method brings tank to full capacity within 60 seconds. Stay cool by adding ice to your water through the large fill cap.
- Generous spray time thanks to the 8-foot hose and a high-pressure multi-pattern spray nozzle that flows for up to 15 minutes.
- WaterPORT can go wherever the road leads via the convenient 2-inch tow hitch mount. The compact tank dimensions measure 9 inches (height) x 8 inches (width) x 25 inches (length).
- Just what you need while out and about including Schrader valve for remote pressurization and an ergonomic handle for easy carrying.
(관부가세포함) 워터포트 데이탱크 세트 할인 WaterPORT 3.8 Gallon Self-Pressurized
SKU: B07W44V1G3
$390.00 일반가